Monday, September 22, 2008

Future Goals and Plans

So I've been thinking a lot, well not a lot, just more than usual. Which essentially means I had a thought this week. And I need to set some goals for myself. Where do I want to be in my Life by the year 2018. I'll be 32, what kind of things do I want to accomplish, and in what time frame? I figure if I write them down somewhere it will force me to take some action on them because I will be accountable. Or, I could just erase this post and go heat up another hot pocket.


Kinda Seemed Like it needed Fireworks

Goal: Move to London

Time frame - TBA
Explanation: This has been something I've wanted to do for a while now, I figure everyone should live in another country for a while and since I never studied abroad and refuse to learn another language England seems like a good choice. So when do I plan to do this? Originally it wasn't going to be anytime soon, but a certain factor may be speeding up my departure from America.

John McCain and Sarah Palin. If these mofo's win the election, I will be out of here by 2010, I promise you. Just wait til I Get my money right.
Hopefully Obama will win and I can stick around until his second term is over in 2016.

Goal: Start My Own Production Company
Time Frame - 2010-2011
Explanation - I mean putting up little video skits on Youtube and facebook for the 8 people that watch them is all well and good. But at some point I need to step it up. So while half the money I save is going into my escape from the republicans fund the other half is going into everything I need to start my own Company. And if I just continue to make skits or comedy videos then so be, but dammit my videos about doodoo and nunchucks will look professional, Dammit.

Goal: Put a contact lens in my eye
Time Frame - Whenever
Explanation - Hey, don't judge me okay, so I can't put a contact lens in my eye. You act like you're all badass riding motorcycles and fighting bears. Get off my back man I'll do it when I'm ready.


Goal: Let's Go to Africa
Time Frame - 2013
Explanation: I need to fight a lion, the zoo won't let me bring boxing gloves into the cage with me so you know, Africa. And I gotta see the homeland. But the lions need to be put in their place first.

You ain't Bad.

Goal:Get Married & Have Kids
Time Frame - 2016
Explanation - I unnno, because I'm supposed to. Hopefully I love the woman, kids too I guess, but I will be forcing at least one of the kids to live out all my unfulfilled fantasies. It's my right as a parent. So if I don't fight the lion, someone will.

Exactly what me and my future family will look like.

Goal: Get Michael Jackson to stop touching boys and make another number 1 album
Time Frame - ?
Explanation - I like MJ, sheesh. I can hope right.



Time Frame - Now, please.
Explanation: I don't know exactly what, but I need her in my life.

More Goals later sleep now.

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